When drinking fruit and vegetable juices whether to lose weight, correct a condition, or detoxify the system, you should be in good health before you start such a program. If you have medical related problems, clear this program with your physician first. If you decide to try a juicing diet to lose weight, remember that only drinking juices to lose weight or fasting and drinking juices is not an adequate diet to follow, you will be lacking inportant nutrients for your body and putting your health at risk at the same time. The worst part of the whole thing is that if you survive through the ordeal and actually lose the weight, you will quickly put it all back on with interest.
To begin a juicing for weight loss program first try just having a juice drink about a half hour before the meal, either lunch or the evening meal. The fresh juice will act as an appetite suppressant and hopefully help you to eat less at the meal. You may want to start will fruit juices as they are tastier and easier to consume, then start adding one vegetable at a time to the fruit juice. As you become accustomed to the taste start removing fruits from the juices until you have the right combination that you enjoy or even go for all vegetables one day and a mix the next.
A basic fruit juice mix to start with uses equal parts of strawberries, kiwis, mangoes and oranges. About a cup of each is a good measure or just use 6 strawberries, 2 kiwis, 1 mango and 1 orange. Adjust it for your taste. Next substitute 2 or 3 carrots for one of the vegetables, then a stalk of celery for another one, move onto a handful of spinach and even a small sweet potato. Try adding what you enjoy. Try to keep a carrot in the mix and even a add a few sprigs of parsley to the mix as these have been shown to be good appetite suppressants.
As you proceed with the weight loss program, you can begin to replace one meal with the juice drink. Some feel that breakfast is the easiest to replace as many people either skip it entirely or just grab a slice of toast or a glass of orange juice as they rush out the door, which of course is the wrong thing to do as it leads to a mid morning sump in energy and hungry, which causes you to head to the nearest vending machine or snack shop for a quick pick me up and lots of empty calories, which cause you to put on more weight.
A morning juice for weight loss recipe can include 2 oranges, 1 cup of cantaloupe melon, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of blueberries and a banana. This will help get you through the morning and hopefully avoid the mid morning sump and hungry. If you feel you need more energy, a low calorie powdered protein mix can be added to the juice after it comes out of the juicer. For more fiber in your diet you can add some of the pulp from the juicer back into your drink or just use it in other recipes like soups or even breads.
Alex Ralbeck is a juice recipes for juicers expert. For great information on juicing for weight loss. Visit my website at http://www.juicingbenefitstips.com for helpful tips and information on creating the best juices for your needs.
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